Instruct or Perform With Us




If you are interested in instructing or performing at the Texas Haunters Convention™, please complete the form below.

We will contact you for additional information and any images we may need.

Location Options:

  • Instruction:
    • In a classroom setting
    • On the Demo Stage
    • In our hands-on Make N’ Take area
  • Performance:
    • On the Demo Stage


  • Access to the convention floor (does not include extra events)
  • Paid upon the completion of instruction or performance. 
    • General: $100.00 per approved time slot.
    • Make N’ Takes: $200.00 per approved time slot.
  • For instructors, we pay for needed supplies.


  • Have a positive attitude and be able to work well with the public
  • Knowledgeable in the topic you wish to instruct or perform
  • Able to instruct or perform during convention floor hours
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Let us know a little about what you have done in the past so we can understand your qualifications for being an instructor or performer with us.
This will be used on our website to introduce and promote you. This should be written in third person.

Requested Time Slot

This will be used as the main headline for the time slot. It should provide enough information to peek attendee interest.
This should describe your instruction or performance fully to attendees. If instructing, be sure to cover what they will gain from attending. If your time slot targets a specific audience, be sure to mention that here.


We will need some images from you to promote you and your instruction or performance on our website as well as social media accounts. Please start gathering these images up so they will be ready when we reach out to you.

For instructors, we will need a professional-looking headshot to use as your instructor image. This image should be only of you and you should not be wearing any makeup or prosthetics in it. We will also need an image to use for each of the time slots you will be instructing. Images can be from aspects of the topics you are instructing or just convey the theme of the topic.

For performers, we will need an image to use for each of the time slots you will be performing. Images can be from aspects of the performance you or just convey the theme of the performance.

Images should not contain any text, logos, or extra graphics on them. If possible, avoid cropping as we will take care of this when we fit the image to match our website theme.

Please note you must own the rights to any images you submit to us for use and by submitting them to us you are allowing us to use them to promote both you and your topics.

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